Marching to more success: The Independent’s latest US figures released

ComScore audience data for March has been released, revealing the fortunes of news brands in the US. The month was an especially successful one for The Independent, continuing its seemingly unstoppable growth trajectory.

Highlights for March

  • The Independent’s US audience expanded to 28.4m, up 20% on the previous year (YoY) and 8% month-on-month (MoM).
  • This accomplishment is particularly impressive given the fact that the top 10 news digital brands in the US declined on average by 7% YoY and increased by 4% MoM.
  • The Independent is the eighth biggest digital news brand in the US. 
  • The Independent is the largest news pureplay in the US and has been for the past 12 months.
  • Elsewhere, Indy100 enjoyed extraordinary YoY growth in the US – up 119% to 3m and 54% MoM.


The Independent has been at the front line of journalism since its launch in 1986. It is the UK’s largest quality digital news brand and was the first of the quality news publishers to become fully digital (in 2016). Publishing from 12 countries and in six languages, The Independent is a truly global news organisation.

Source: Comscore March 2024, News brand competitive set includes:  NY Times, NYPost, USA Today, Washington Post, Guardian, Daily Mail, Sun, LA Times, Mirror.

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